A fatal accident occurred to an employee of a company from Banská Bystrica at the municipal waste dump in Dubnica nad Váhom – Luštek on Monday, August 19, 2019. The accident happened during the movement of the construction machine (roller) on the slope bypassing the obstacle. The machine overturned and the engineer dropped out of it while the cylinder rolled over. A sixty-year-old man suffered injuries that he succumbed to on the spot. The occupational accident is investigated by the Labor Inspectorate in Trenčín.
This year it is the sixteenth occupational accident resulting in death, while the previous fatal occupational accident occurred just a week ago, also Monday, in the Trenčín region. Last year in the comparable period (from January 1, 2018 to August 16, 2018), the Labor Inspectorate recorded 24 occupational injuries resulting in death. Besides that, since the beginning of 2019, the Labor Inspectorate has reported 35 serious injuries, compared to 42 serious injuries in the same period of 2018. The number of accidents at work (accidents with incapacity for work more than 3 days) reached 5300 between 1 January and 16 August 2019, which represents a year-on-year decrease of 1 005 occupational accidents.
Labor Inspection statistics also show that Monday is one of the riskiest days of the week in terms of fatal occupational accidents. In 2018, there were a total of 8 fatal accidents on Monday, while year earlier there were 13 cases . In terms of months, August and October are among the riskiest, in 2018, the Labor Inspectorate reported six fatal occupational accidents during these months.
Source: www.ip.gov.sk