National Labor Inspectorate and Slovnaft a.s. have prepared a handbook on the issue of professional competence for the operation of the designated work equipment. The handbook contains basic information that will help you properly orientate yourself in the given issue.
The main purpose of creating this handbook is to spread awareness and prevention in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH).This handbook provides the user with basic information on the individual competencies for the operation of specified work equipment specified in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic no. 508/2009 Coll., Laying down the details of safety and health protection at work with the technical pressure, lifting, electric and gas devices, and specifying the technical devices which are considered as reserved technical equipment as amended Decree of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family SR no. 356/2007 Coll., Laying down the details of the requirements and the scope of educational and training activities, the education and training project, keeping required documentation and verifying the knowledge of the participants in educational and training activities.
For greater clarity and easy access, the answers to the following questions are answered: What do I have to do to gain professional competence? Where can I get it? How long does the training take? What medical fitness do I need? What document do I need to be able to perform a specific activity? What is the validity of the issued document?
Competencies are divided into: pressure equipment, lifting equipment, electrical equipment, gas equipment, forklifts, work at heights, construction machinery and equipment, agricultural machinery and equipment, forestry machinery and equipment.
At the end of the guide, the user can find information about recruiting staff, health fitness and explaining other important concepts as well as the brief characteristics of the National Labor Inspectorate (NIP) and Slovnaft a.s.
We believe that the guide will provide you with important information in a clear way and will assist you in your everyday work.
Practical handbook: Professional competence for operating and working with designated work equipment
Source: National Labor Inspectorate