Czech Republic 1.11.-2.11.2012 - International Conference: SAFETY CONSTRUCTION

The word of the chairman of the COMMON VISION:
1st International Conference: SECURITY BUILDING
organized within the framework of the European Days of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs as part of the European Healthy Workplaces 2012-2013 campaign and the Good Practice Examples.

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That was the end of a conference. But I think that this conference was extraordinary not only in its course, but also in the content and composition of the individual speakers of the conference. For two days over 200 participants were involved in occupational health and safety and everything related to it. From higher education, the involvement of the investor (the contracting authority), the designers, the contractors, the managerial facility and the OSH coordinators themselves. The organizers sought to see all the topics that are relevant to safe construction and which need to be dealt with in detail in 2013. The set-ups sparked a lively discussion during breaks and evening social program. The issues surrounding the elaboration of the OSH plan, the project documentation from 2013 and the links to the SZ were other topics that dominated the conference. Contributions from foreign participants, especially Mr. Philip Baker (Chairman of the ISHCCO Task Force), Mr. Henrik van Bren (SKANSKA USA) and Mrs. Ewelina Nowaćinská (SKANSKA PLR), were a great enrichment of the conference agenda.
The conclusions of the conference brought a proposal for the creation of a working group to discuss the programmatic issues that were the subject of this conference for ČSSI, ČKAIT, MLSA, Vision, Union of Entrepreneurs in Construction, SUIP, Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic. The conference showed a number of critical locations and a possible solutions.

The conference recommended to deal with the elaboration and approval of the proposal for a methodology (recommendation) for the contracting authorities concerning:

(a) the number of coordinators at construction site according to the nature of the construction, the risk, the duration, etc.

(b) the frequency of visits by the coordinator and the hourly intensity of his activities

c) evaluation of the preparation of the coordinator’s BOZP plan during the preparation of the project documentation (which will be adjusted during the implementation of the construction) in order to evaluate the coordinator’s activities sufficiently in the preparation of the OSH plan.



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